Steve Wanna
Michael Crossett
Pierre Davis
Cassidy Garbutt
Pam Eichner
Zofie King
Yar Koporulin
Monica Stroik
Joan Snitzer
Steve Wanna

Title: Facing the Light
Media: Railroad tie, magnets, parachute cord, mixed media
*Digitally Rendered installation*, dimensions variable based on site
Year: 2020
Price: $11,500

Title: 1, 1, 2, 3
Media: Plaster, wood, parachute cord, magnet, needles, mixed media
Dimensions: 28" x 20" x 3.5"
Price: $2,300

Title: Broken Symmetry
Media: wood, stone, parachute cord, needles, magnets
Dimensions: 16" x 13" x 10"
Artist Statement:
My work hovers on the edge of control and chaos, meticulous planning and seemingly random occurrences. This installation is part of an ongoing body of sculptural work that uses magnets to highlight how tenuous the bond can be between a firm grip and total lack of control. We forget about the air space the negative space when we're in a large room. I am using magnetic tension to highlight the present architecture. That tension is often embodied in various elements held in magnetic suspension, teetering on the edge of falling apart.