Michael Crossett
Pierre Davis
Cassidy Garbutt
Pam Eichner
Zofie King
Yar Koporulin
Monica Stroik
Joan Snitzer
Steve Wanna
Pierre Davis
Title: Logs (It's nice to see you again)
Media: logs, electric light, extension cords, electrical components, fence section, astroturf
Dimensions: 9' x 4' x 5'
Year: 2019
Price: $850
Title: Higher Education
Media: mixed hardwoods and softwoods
Dimensions: 18" x 15" x 6"
Date: 2018
Price: $1,200
Title: Logs (It's nice to see you again) {detail}
Artist Statement:
The electric logs, It’s nice to see you again,sets logs with outlets into a social setting, interacting with each other through direct current. Arrangement choices are site-specific, limited only by the extension cords. Each log has its own personality, in the way that they each have their own way of standing. Higher Educationuses a school desk with roots dropping from the drawer. Nature’s depth of connectivity and learning is endless, while our framework of learning is set at school. At whichever angle, the natural world is the speaker.
This body of sculptural work aims to present nature with a voice and personality. To create connections within language, blurring the imposed gaps between nature, architecture, and human. We create spaces and objects with our own designs, needs for architecture and utility; meanwhile nature has its own plan.