Michael Crossett
Michael Crossett
Pierre Davis
Cassidy Garbutt
Pam Eichner
Zofie King
Yar Koporulin
Monica Stroik
Joan Snitzer
Steve Wanna

Title: Fare Card Value #22
Media: Screen print, acrylic on canvas
Year: 2018
Dimensions: 48” x 36”
Price: $3,800

Title: Structure
Media: Screen print, concrete, resin on panel
Dimensions: 40” x 30” x 3”
Year: 2019
Price: $3,200

Title: Fare Card Value #30
Media: screen print on wood panel
Dimensions: 48” x 36”
Year: 2019
Price: $3,800

Title: Fare Card Value #10
Media: screen print on canvas
Dimensions: 48” x 48”
Year: 2018
Price: $4,500
Artist Statement:
As a kid, we moved around a lot because my dad was in the Air Force. Nothing ever lasted very long. So I’m always looking for anchors. The things that will last. The things that have lasted. When I go up to Provincetown, MA, I’m always taking pictures of old buoys and other weathered relics. Harpoons. Shutters with the paint peeling off. Piles of old ropes. Those are the things that are real for me because they’ve lasted. Endured. For me, that’s beauty.
My recent work has focused on the neighborhoods of DC. As DC continues to transform, I am drawn to the contrast of historic and contemporary architecture and design, commercialism, and the energy that surrounds me. In a way, I am my own architect by creating new structures which juxtapose photography and found images with relevant and most often commercial symbols and icons. They shouldn’t always go together but do.